Acidophilus (Lactobacillus acidophilus) is a common, well known form of healthy bacteria (intestinal flora) that belongs in the digestive tract of every mammal, working with the body to protect it and aid in the digestion of food. These safe, necessary organisms are an important piece of the "total health" puzzle and can even help prevent disease and alleviate illness. There are a lot of phenomenal benefits that come with supplementing our dogs with probiotics, but the exceptional boost to their immune system alone is worth making probiotics an addition to your dog's nutrition program!
Supplementing your dogs diet with probiotics can act as a form of therapeutic treatment for a variety of health problems. It can also be a preventive measure against the bad bacteria overwhelming your dog's digestive tract which ultimately makes them sick. Many holistic veterinarians, nutritionists and traditional veterinarians will recommend probiotics to help combat and prevent bacterial infections and digestive disorders. By reinforcing the beneficial bacteria in your dog's gut, probiotics act as a safe way to keep harmful bacteria under control by allowing the strong beneficial bacteria to compete with the bad bacteria and ultimately prevent the wrong bacteria from flourishing.
Scientific research has been done repeatedly on the benefits of probiotics for dogs and the findings were great, showing that dogs did in fact receive significant benefits from the supplementation of probiotics both short term and long term. Veterinarians once believed that acidophilus could not survive passage from the dog's acidic stomach to the intestinal tract, but this was proven false. The healthy bacteria are strong and resilient, making it easy for dogs to nourish their intestinal tract with the bacteria designed to help them stay strong and healthy.
So how can probiotics benefit your dog? You'll be surprised by the many ways a strong and healthy digestive system can combat disease and prevent illness in our furry family members.
Supplementing puppies and young dogs with probiotics has shown to decrease the frequency and severity of allergies, increase healthy weight gain and growth, and decrease the frequency of illness and disease by providing a good foundation towards exceptional immune system health.
Probiotics are also ideal for dogs with digestive issues such as inflammatory bowel disease since this supplement promotes a healthy digestive tract. Ultimately probiotics assist in the breakdown of nutrients while aiding in proper digestion by encouraging the production of digestive enzymes. Probiotics help maintain a healthy, well-functioning digestive system, which is of vital, important in dogs with digestive disorders.
Probiotics can also help alleviate symptoms of allergies by strengthening the digestive system and the immune system to prevent allergic symptoms from arising when the dog is exposed to allergens. A stronger immune system means the body is able to better handle the allergens the dog has been exposed to, ultimately soothing symptoms or even potentially eliminating allergies all together. When you remind yourself how allergic reactions work, it will make more sense to you. Allergic reactions occur when the weakened immune system detects something and labels it as foreign or a threat, which in turn creates a variety of symptoms as the body fights to get rid of it. A stronger immune system means better overall immune system function. A strong immune system is not prone to allergies.
Probiotics can be very beneficial in helping to treat bacterial infections by safely supporting a distressed intestinal tract. Providing the body with beneficial bacteria will help the good organisms overrun the bad ones, and can help your dog recover faster. Paired with a 24 hour fast and a few homemade bland meals that are easy on the body, you may be able to let nature run its course safely and quickly. If your dog is suffering from a potential bacterial infection and shows no improvement or worsens after 48 hours, please go see your veterinarian immediately for a diagnosis and treatment. Our dogs may need help getting healthy again! Once your dog is healthy again, starting them on regular probiotic supplementation can help prevent more infections of the intestinal tract.
Probiotics can help alleviate bad gas, prevent bad breath and will help make your dog's body function better. This occurs as a direct result of proper balance in the digestive system, which is where the very important absorption of nutrients occurs. Any dog of any age can enjoy the benefits of probiotics, so consider adding them to your dog's diet for a stronger, healthier body!
Plain, unsweetened yoghurt.
Cottage cheese
Acidophilus Capsules (Human grade is fine!)
2 tablespoons of plain yoghurt, cottage cheese or kefir daily.
1 capsule of human grade Acidophilus.
Multivitamin supplement containing probiotics (such as NUPRO GOLD or Sunday Sundae), best paired with extra yoghurt/cottage cheese/kefir.